I don't think you have anything to explain tony - you're trying to walk through the Maritimes in the middle of winter. Many people I have told this to say you are completely crazy. Truth is, you are one of the sanest people I know! Enjoy the warm bed and get recharged. Still lots of winter left.
Feb 14, 2022
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Thanks Dave. I’m hoping a few days of a roof over my head and a bit of normalcy will be the ticket to getting through the rest of winter. Nothing has gone as I’d hoped but I guess life rarely does.
I don't think you have anything to explain tony - you're trying to walk through the Maritimes in the middle of winter. Many people I have told this to say you are completely crazy. Truth is, you are one of the sanest people I know! Enjoy the warm bed and get recharged. Still lots of winter left.
enjoy well deserved time off