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Brenda Holtkamp
Brenda Holtkamp
Mar 14, 2022

Thanks for your honesty Tony. Many people say ‘I understand’ when they really don’t. I appreciate you saying you don’t understand. So true, no matter, what we can all practice empathy, be loving and kind in our actions and try to understand through honest listening to the pain and struggle in each other. Tony I appreciate your sharing your lourney, and your journey in life, not just the physical walk. Your openness and vulnerability helps me to also grow in openness and vulnerability. Thank you!


Mar 12, 2022

Thank YOU. I have had "SOME" problems with food. I do run up the CN Tower each year - I need to be of a "small amount" of weight!! But I do have pancakes with my husband, JOHN (!!!!), I do eat lots of food that put on weight. I am not a person who does not w a n t to put on weight. Thank YOU!


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